Here are the best novels of 2016, as read by men and women. More coming soon!
Come Quickly Tramline – Corrensey O’Danielson (Guavo)
In this, O’Danielson’s 4th novel in the “Chronicles of The Dark Saga” series, Tramline O’Donahue has reached his mid-teens and Dublin is changing all around him. Revolution is in the air, and the children of Glahar are in bloom. All in all, things are going well. But a dark cloud looms over the horizon.
In a departure from the previous entries in the series, this novel ignores hard grit and dark realism and focuses instead on Tramline’s quest to become the greatest starfighter Dublin has ever known.
I’ve always been a fan of Chronicles of The Dark Saga Series books and this episode, though a departure from what we’ve seen before, represents a new start for O’Danielson. I give it 87%. – Will Self, book reader and writer.
Woe betide, my sweet nightwatchman – Caltech N’guyun (ClaspDeHanso/Mopress)
From the dark streets of Calcutta, New Mexico to the familier skyline of Alfred Nobel, Caltech N’guyun’s new novel takes the reader on an epic journey of emotion, understanding and travel.
Like her previous work, Lufthansa By Proxy, Woe Betide... is more a thinkpiece than a novel; more a treatise than a story. And yet it is all these things and more.
Have you ever read a book, and then not been sure if you’re read it, and so read it again? It’s a bit like that, only in a good way. – Phillip Schofield, puppeteer.
Diaspora Christofferson – Vimto del Naja (Asparagus)
The Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace: The Expanded Visual Dictionary gives you everything you want to know about the story. This expanded edition has a fresh new design throughout and includes 32 brand new pages with more photos, more details and more amazing facts. Find out all about the creatures, weapons, and equipment from Episode I. From podracers to Gungan battle equipment and droidekas. Come face-to-face with key characters from Anakin and Queen Amidala, to Chancellor Valorum and the comical Jar Jar Binks.
Great book – my 6 year old son just loves it, especially as it has a picture of Darth Maul on the front and my Son is obsessed with Darth Maul– David Attenborough, human